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Over the last two decades people the world over have become more conscious of what they are putting in to their mouths and on to their plates.  Organic, local, free-range, wild-crafted, heirloom, all-natural; these are all terms no longer foreign or confusing to consumers. These terms have come to define an awareness we all have about our food and how it is made.  It is only logical that the next steps in this cultural evolution would be for people to take note of what happens after they finish a meal.  What impacts does a dining experience have on the environment and the planet once the meal is over?  For surfer and environmental conservationist Arix Zalace, ending single-use plastics was the logical next step.  As far back as the 1990s he began noticing more and more plastic trash floating in the waters of remote surf spots and collecting on the beaches of uninhabited islands.  It was alarming back then, to say the least, and the problem has only grown.  Arix decided to be part of the solution. Since plastic straws are among the top ten items found on beaches globally, he decided to focus his attention there first.  For three years he researched, designed, and tested reusable straw alternatives, long before the sustainable straw movement began.  This work resulted in the creation of the company Lastrå Life.  In 2018 Lastrå released its first product, a reusable straw set not much larger than a single straw.

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Lastrå is proud to be a part of the global movement dedicated to preventing plastics from entering the oceans and the environment.  A percentage of each sale goes towards programs designed to either remove plastics from the environment or to help educate the public of the growing global plastic pollution problem.  

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All Rights Reserved Copyright 2022 LASTRA LIFE LLC.                                           Website by AZA Productions

All Lastrå sets are Patented

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